Eriginal   [:-)  Business Names & Identities

    "Live the life you have imagined" Henry David Thoreau  
San Pedro 2695. Photo Credit: Mark O'Connor


focus Your business name
Your business name and logo are only a part of your identity. It's important to understand this from the beginning and not to get too distracted and hung up with a business name. A name or logo in themselves will not generate any revenue. They're only wrapping paper and do not have to be permanent. Almost every other day some business or other is re-launching itself with new wrapping, so it would neither be unusual or uncommon if you were to later change yours.

Time in your business infancy is better spent developing your route to market, your customer service, and your products. After all, what good is your name or your brand if you're not making any money?  Your success as a business depends on your ability to sell. You need look no further than, the doomed internet retailer, to see the consequence of spending too much on brand image ahead of time, out of business scale, and before making any money. If you get your business service right your brand will take care of itself.

focus Your Identity
We can help develop and clarify your identity, including your business name, so that you're packaged professionally, and distinctly. We always do this to scale so that you have all the advantages you need.  In deciding on a name there is one important question. What do you do? Your answer should ordinarily appear in your business name. The more specific you are when you're starting out the more likely it is you will reach your target market with the right message and avoid the awful mortality rate for new businesses.

Remember the vital part to your business identity is your service or your product, and how well you can sell it.  Your business name is only one of many ways to help you do that.
